This is an open cloze exercise based on a news article about Japan's Tsunami.
- The words you will need to complete the gaps with are:
aftershocks: small quakes after a main shock
epicenter: the point on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake
offshore: away from or at a distance from the coast
shaken : past participle of "shake" => to move backwards and forwards or up and down in quick, short movements, or to make something or someone do this.
slam to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise.
spawn to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly.
stretch: to spread over a large area or distance.
sweep away :to remove and/or take in a particular direction, especially in a fast and powerful way.
death toll: the number of people who die because of an event such as a war or an accident.
tremors : a slight earthquake.
widespread: existing or happening in many places and/or among many people.
- Now select the most appropriate word for each gap.
1. spawned
2. slammed
3. sweeping away
4. widespread
5. toll
6. fears
7. offshore
8. aftershocks
10. stretch
11. shaken
12. tremors
11. epicenter
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