English Daily Workout: 2-Minute Update on Libya's Crisis - Video News + Quiz

2-Minute Update on Libya's Crisis - Video News + Quiz

Watch the  video about Libya's Crisis.

Then read the following news  excerpts and decide which of them are dealt with in the video. (The excerpts are not present  in the video. They have been taken from different sources but the information is the same)

(Double-click on any word to get a dictionary definition)
1.  "The current crisis in Libya has two potential outcomes, Clinton told the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, a transition to a peaceful democracy or descent into chaos and civil war." (the Telegraph) 

2. "The UN General Assembly has unanimously suspended Libya's membership in the Human Rights Council because of violence against protesters." (ITN News)

3. "We are moving ships closer to Libya in case they are needed," said Colonel David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman. He said planes were also being repositioned closer to Libya, where Gaddafi remains defiant in the face of intensifying pressure from the West and from his own people to end his decades-long rule." (Yahoo News)

4. "The recent surge in oil has pushed up gasoline prices in the U.S. by nearly 20 cents per gallon in the past week. That's the sharpest increase since September 2008, when Hurricane Ike shut down Gulf Coast refineries, according to the Oil Price Information Service. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina sent prices soaring about 45 cents per gallon in one week." (CBS News)

5. "Violence and chaos in Libya have triggered an exodus of more than 140,000 refugees to Tunisia and Egypt, a U.N. official said Tuesday, as aid workers warned the situation at the Tunisian border has reached crisis point." (MetroNews)

Link to this blog
<p>Here's a <a href="http://englishdailyworkout.blogspot.com/2011/03/2-minute-update-on-libyas-crisis.html" target="_blank">Nintendo D Sells Out, but Causes Eye Strain: Vocabulary Quiz and Listening Practice</a>.</p>

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